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We Are

Juju Bells

Hi, we're Jane and Ellen and we are Juju Bells. You might be wondering why we chose this name. Well, when we were just a little bit younger, our nicknames for each other were Juju and El Bell. When ever we played shop, we would call our store, Juju Bells! 


The two of us love animals, but our favorite are dogs. One day after visiting the local animal shelter with our girl scout troop, we decided we wanted to do something to help out the dogs and cats that we saw. And with that we decided to ask our parents if Juju Bells could be real.


We started by making toys for our own dog, Biscuit, and then toys and blankets for our friends' pets.  Biscuit loved the toys we made him and his collection of blankets which grew to be way more than he needed.  This past spring and summer, we had a lot of extra time on our hands and making toys was a way for us to have fun and stay occupied.  


We hope your pet enjoys the toys and blankets as much as we enjoyed making them!

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